Soviet monument in Nagybajom renovated with support of Gazprom

August 25. 2023. – 04:15 PM



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A Soviet monument in the Hungarian town of Nagybajom was renovated with the support of Gazprom, reported.

According to the local paper's report, the road leading to the memorial was built by Somogy Temetkezési Kft. with the two million forints (about 5200 euros) needed for the renovation provided by the Russian gas company, Gazprom. "The monument was in a dilapidated state. We renovated the artillery guns and put the names of all the Soviet soldiers on marble slabs. We completed the work in a month," Tibor Úr, senior managing director of the company that carried out the renovation shared.

The monument was officially unveiled in the presence of Garibian Tigran, the Russian Embassy's Deputy Chief of Mission, who said in his address that 1,396 Soviet soldiers now rest in dignified conditions next to the renewed monument. At the end of the ceremony, members of the Russian, Belarusian, Kazakh and Azerbaijani delegations laid wreaths and flowers at the restored monument.

Towards the end of World War II, Soviet troops reached Kaposvár on 2 December 1944 and advanced to the Margit Line. Fighting continued in the area for four months, until 28 March 1945.

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