Orbán: My political director spoke ambiguously, which is a mistake
The Hungarian Prime Minister reacted to his political director's statement which caused quite a stir when he suggested that they wouldn't have made the mistake Zelensky did "when he took his country...
Prime Minister Orbán cancels all international commitments for the week due to flooding
The Hungarian Prime Minister was supposed to speak at the European Parliament on Wednesday, and was expected in the Vatican and at the UN General Assembly in New York later in the week.
Budapest braces for flood of the decade
The military, the disaster relief services and volunteers have been working overtime to prepare for the arrival of the surging waters brought on by Storm Boris.
Gulyás: Germany is destroying Schengen
One of the EU's achievements is being jeopardised because "they didn't listen to Hungary", Gergely Gulyás, Minister at the PM's Office said about Germany's plan to reintroduce border checks.
Budapest high school principal dismissed over unwillingness to comply with new regulation on...
In response to a recently adopted regulation, the renowned school had previously announced that they believe in educating their students about the correct use of digital tools rather than banning...
Hungary may help launch the Bosnian Serbs' big lithium business
Viktor Orbán has been very friendly with Bosnian Serb President Milorad Dodik. The economic rationale for this has not really been clear so far, but there are now mounting signs of a Hungarian...
Hungarian hospitals struggle to keep temperatures low in summer heat, government says things...
Several hospitals have had to postpone surgeries due to the malfunctioning of their AC units in the extreme summer heat, with numerous complaints about the lack of AC in the wards as well. The...
Magyarország segíthet beindítani a boszniai szerbek nagy lítiumüzletét
Orbán Viktor sokat barátkozik Aleksandar Vučić szerb és Milorad Dodik boszniai szerb államfővel. Ennek gazdasági értelmét eddig nem nagyon láttuk, de most egyre több jel utal magyar szerepvállalásra...
Telex is serving foreign interests according to the head of the Sovereignty Protection Office, who...
Is it in the interest of Hungary if a press outlet is critical of Orbán's peace mission? How does he want to rename NGOs? Our video interview with Tamás Lánczi, head of the Sovereignty Protection...
'Ukraine is blackmailing Hungary and Slovakia' – Gulyás
The ECJ's aversion against Hungary, Ukraine wanting Hungary to abandon its pro-peace stance, and what the giant Chinese loan will be used for were among the topics discussed at Friday's cabinet...
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