Curia orders recount of all valid votes in election for mayor of Budapest
The recount will determine who will be the next mayor of the Hungarian capital. No further appeal to the ruling is possible.
Orbán to Xi Jinping: We are always on the side of peace, never on the side of war
The Hungarian PM also told the Chinese leader that Hungary appreciates his peace initiative regarding "the conflict in Hungary's neighbouring country". The Beijing visit follows the past week's...
A flood of international reactions to Orbán's visit to Moscow
EU leaders and European heads of state have reacted to Viktor Orbán's visit to Moscow.
Orbán to Putin: We do not feel safe, we see the images of war and destruction
The rotating EU presidency was raised at the meeting, at least according to Putin, although several EU representatives stressed that the EU presidency does not have the mandate to negotiate with...
Rishi Sunak's Conservatives heading for worst-ever government defeat in British history
The hundreds of thousands of Hungarians living in the UK will be among those eagerly awaiting the results as Brits cast their votes on Thursday. The question is not whether Sunak's Conservatives can...
Kyiv trip may bring Orbán closer to Zelensky without having to give up good Russian relations
Why Orbán's trip to Kyiv this week could put relations between Hungary and Ukraine on a calmer footing, while not necessarily requiring the Hungarian government to make any significant changes to...
Orbán in Kyiv: We appreciate President Zelensky's efforts towards peace
At the joint press conference, Zelensky countered the Russian presidential spokesman's statements about Orbán's visit being part of his obligations relating to Hungary's EU presidency.
Zelensky receives Orbán at Presidential Palace in Kyiv
The first photos of the meeting organised in strict secrecy have been published.
Orbán secretly travels to Kyiv for talks with Zelensky
Viktor Orbán's visit to Kyiv was organized under a complete media blackout. This is our look at the relationship between two countries over the past decade and why an Orbán-Zelensky meeting may be...
Arte: Where does Europe’s far left stand?
As France prepares to elect a new parliament with the far-right expecting big gains, Arte breaks down Europe’s far left.
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