The propaganda minister’s land scandal that was too much even for Orbán
The 1.6 billion HUF deal of Antal Rogán's wife has fallen through.
Why Fidesz faces a tight race in 2022
At present, it is impossible to predict with confidence who will be the winner of the Hungarian parliamentary elections in 2022. But the opposition may have a realistic chance of winning the...
Hungarian diplomat covers up DUI accident in Vienna
An influential Hungarian diplomat caused an accident while driving drunk in Vienna. His children were in the back, and he refused the evidentiary breathalyser. However, the incident had no...
Szabolcs Dull joins Telex
From this point forward, Veronika Munk and Szabolcs Dull will be leading Telex together as editors-in-chief.
'One week, she is still cooking for you, the next, you are picking her belongings up at the...
Petra Tóth's mother died of complications arising from COVID-19 in little under a week. Tamás Busák spent 44 days in the hospital, and he was on a ventilator for 17. Barbara Balás is one of the few...
Son of Viktor Orbán graduates from RMA Sandhurst, Hungary foots the bill
We discovered that the Hungarian Prime Minister's son has just graduated from one of the top military academies in the world and the roughly €100,000 training fee was paid by the Ministry of...
2021 is shaping up to be Viktor Orbán's toughest year to date
A recession of historic proportions, a significant loss of popularity, rule of law mechanism, a hostile US administration, a new German chancellor, and an opposition challenger – the Hungarian Prime...
How COVID-19 challenged decades-old taboos of economics
Here comes Telexikon, Telex’s infovideo-series. In the first episode, we present the coronavirus pandemic's impact on the world economy, show why this is a peculiar crisis and what long-term effects...
Are sexual minorities the 'new migrants' of Hungary?
In recent times, the Hungarian governing party has been increasingly inciting anti-LGBTQ sentiments both in communication and in legislation – could sexual minorities be Fidesz's new bogeymen at the...
Why would you give money to women?
The Minister for the Families is right: We are smaller, our upkeep is lower.
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