MEP József Szájer admits to attending lockdown-breaking party in Brussels
The MEP was allegedly found climbing down the gutter while trying to flee from a police raid on a sex party that violated lockdown measures.
The world beyond hospital gates remains hidden in Hungary
Even though it is standard practice in the international press to report from hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hungarian healthcare system does not allow journalists or photographers...
Poland and Hungary insist on vetoing the rule of law mechanism
The heads of the Hungarian and Polish governments held a meeting in Budapest on Thursday afternoon where they made it clear: they find linking EU funds to rule of law criteria unacceptable and they... sold, editor-in-chief resigns
The once independent is now an indirect property of Miklós Vaszily, an active participant in turning's former competitor, Origo, into a government mouthpiece.
Orbán's media war will never end
Even though a year ago, Orbán said that Hungarian media is finally balanced, his skirmishes against independent media have not stopped – Telex explains the ins and outs of Orbán's never-ending media...
EPP: We will convince the Hungarian government about rule of law conditionality
The Hungarian Prime Minister has announced the political veto of the EU's next 7-year budget over rule of law conditionality, but his party's political family, the EPP, is not willing to give up on...
Telex's first-ever transparency report
This is not just our story. It is yours too. As promised, here is the first transparency report of Telex.
Hungary tightens COVID-19 restrictions with last-minute emergency decree, here are the details
Late on Tuesday night, the emergency decree on the toughest restrictions against COVID-19 Hungary has ever seen finally came out 90 minutes before it entered into effect. Here are the details (with...
Making Fidesz hip, no matter the cost
Hungarian governing party Fidesz has been trying to capture the elusive youth vote for quite some time, and following the grim results of the 2019 local elections, they are throwing even more money...
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