Ministry promises corrections in Ukraine chapter of school textbooks – Ukrainian NGO in Hungary says
The book received heavy criticism in diplomatic circles as well over its Russia-friendly text.
Orbán: Hungarian society is much more pluralistic, free and peaceful than German society
The Hungarian prime minister believes that more and more Western Europeans will move to Hungary in the next ten-twenty years and said that Hungary will welcome all refugees from the West. He also...
State of danger can now be extended by up to 180 days, as many times as deemed necessary
The amendment, passed on Monday was justified by the ruling parties on account of the war between Russia and Ukraine. The opposition says the state of danger has now become Hungary's permanent form...
Orbán wishes to strengthen Hungarian-British relations after Sunak's appointment
The Hungarian prime minister sent a letter of congratulations to the newly elected British leader.
Church bell stolen from Hungary 21 years ago found in US antique store
The Hungarian diplomatic corps worked with the FBI to bring the bell home to the chapel in Jásztelek.
Teachers' unions send open letter to Viktor Orbán again, asking him to call a meeting of the...
According to the Teachers' Unions, the government is violating the law on strike, because they haven't sat down with the unions for months now to negotiate about the indefinite duration strikes.
Talking to the survivors was much harder than seeing the dead
Telex journalist Gergely Nyilas and photojournalist István Huszti have reported from Ukraine several times in the last six months. They have just returned from a three-week trip and told us about...
Internet freedom in Hungary in decline according to Freedom House
Last year Hungary scored one point higher which kept it in the "free" category. One of the reasons the report quotes for the decline is the fact that the state, and companies owned by those with...
Visiting lecturer at Fidesz' elite education center detained at London airport
Laughland's fellow politician claims that the visiting MCC lecturer was detained on suspicion of espionage. MCC reacted by saying that they are a talent management institution, and they don't screen...
EU sanctions depicted as actual bomb in Hungarian government's anti-sanctions propaganda
While real bombs fall from the sky in Ukraine, the Orbán government seems to take the economic sanctions imposed on Russia just as seriously – for Hungary. As the national consultation begins, the...
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