Five strong sentences from Viktor Orbán's annual State of the Nation speech
There were several specific, emphatic sentences in the annual address. Let's look at each of the areas the Prime Minister touched on.
Telex photographers sweep the board at 41st Hungarian Press Photography Awards
Telex photo journalists were awarded for their work in several categories, with most of their awarded photos telling the story of the war in Ukraine.
Justice Minister Varga refuses to meet EP's PEGA Committee
The delegation will arrive in Budapest on Monday.
'These things are terribly difficult to talk about'
One of Hungary's best known Catholic priests considers it indefensible that the Hungarian Catholic Church isn't conducting a comprehensive investigation into past sexual abuse cases. He also...
Brussels hits the Hungarian government on a very sensitive point with the Horizon program
Government officials sitting on boards of public foundations that run universities could hurt Hungary more and sooner than Erasmus if research funding is stalled. Nothing is lost yet, but the...
A surprising plan: the state may take over the best Hungarian spas
Baths that are important for tourism would be absorbed by the state, while less promising public baths would be left to the municipalities. The government's argument would be that municipalities...
Even the Chamber of Agriculture headed by Fidesz MP fed up with price freeze on food items
More and more imported food products have replaced Hungarian products on the shelves and according to the Chamber, a lifting of the price caps on certain food items would help reverse this trend.
650 ELTE staff members demand a tripling of basic salaries in open letter
The employees of one of the biggest Hungarian universities claim that the very functioning of the institution is being threatened by the situation.
Hungarian court prevents state from deporting Russian opposition activist
The court has annulled the decision of the National Directorate General for Aliens, so Russian human rights activist Yevgeny Belyakov cannot be sent back to Russia, where his life would be in...
We might destroy Lake Balaton in 15 years if we act mindlessly
Hungary experienced the worst drought in living memory in the summer of 2022. Record low water levels were being recorded on several rivers, some of which were almost dry enough to cross on foot,...
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