Portrayal and promotion – Hungary's latest anti-LGBT law, explained
Last Tuesday, the Hungarian parliament adopted legislation that prohibited sharing LGBT content with minors and limited sexual education in schools. Since then, 17 EU member states condemned the law...
The oppressed white man and the genderfluid toddler: How did politics turn into a battle of...
In the olden days, the political discourse was about tax systems, state budgets, and other similarly boring topics, however, today's politicians are more preoccupied with which bathrooms people use...
Karácsony: The Fudan project is Fidesz's ultimate moral suicide
Thousands gathered in Budapest on Saturday to protest the construction of the Chinese Fudan University's Hungarian campus, which would cost the country €1.3 billion and jeopardise an ongoing...
"We don't care much about mortality stats – we already transported the bodies the previous day."
"Transporter." This is all they say when people ask them about what they do for a living. Some quit after their first day on the job, others make the transition rather smoothly from being a cab...
Orbán's Chinese vaccine gamble seems to have paid off
At the time Hungary started using Sinopharm's vaccine to immunize the elderly, there was no way to know how effective or safe it was. Since then, WHO approved the Chinese jab, and Orbán seems to...
How the third wave hit Hungary, charted
The third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, characterized by the Kent variant, tore through Hungary much quicker and deadlier than what we saw during the previous two. Here are the similarities and...
Sziget Festival is cancelled once again
This is the second year Covid-19 forces the organisers of the largest Hungarian festival to cancel the event.
Katalin Karikó: Everyone is an epidemiological expert now, but I am not
We sat down for an interview with Katalin Karikó, probably the most famous living Hungarian scientist, a likely Nobel laureate, and the mind behind the mRNA technology used by Pfizer and Moderna for...
'We must deny your request' – World Press Freedom Day in Hungary
3 May is World Press Freedom Day, but the press is only as free as much it is allowed to report; here are the walls constantly hit by independent journalists in Hungary.
'From what I've heard, the Russkie stuff is stronger' – The vaccination campaign in Hungary's...
Hungarian civic organizations have launched their campaign titled "Vaccines for Life" to get people living in disadvantaged, segregated communities to sign up for the coronavirus vaccine. We took a...
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