63 MEPs call for stripping Hungary of its EU voting rights
They believe that Hungarian PM Orbán "exploited and abused the role of the EU presidency" and was deliberately misleading during his "peace mission" trips.
Viktor Orbán encourages EU leaders to reopen diplomatic relations with Russia in private letter
According to the Hungarian PM, if elected president of the US, Donald Trump will initiate peace talks between Russia and Ukraine.
Hungarian analyst's three reasons why Orbán not able to influence war in Ukraine in short term
According to András Rácz, the war in Ukraine will still be going on at the end of Hungary's six-month EU presidency, just as it was at its beginning, and peace will certainly not depend on Viktor...
Arte: French elections aftermath – What now?
Now the dust has settled, France’s new parliament is preparing to govern. What lessons can they draw from the rest of Europe?
EU considers boycotting Orbán's foreign affairs summit
It is because of the Hungarian PM's recent "peace mission" trips that they intend to "send a clear signal that Hungary is not acting on behalf of the EU".
Result remains after recount: Gergely Karácsony wins Budapest mayoral election by a 293 vote...
782,110 votes cast for the mayoral candidates in Budapest were recounted over the past three days. Dávid Vitézy has already congratulated Karácsony.
Orbán met with Trump and he has good news: He's going to solve it!
The latest stop of the Hungarian leader's "peace mission" was the former US president's Florida estate.
Blurring lines between Orbán's "peace mission" and EU presidency condemned by all but one member...
"It took nine days for the Hungarian presidency to lose what little trust it had left," a diplomat told Politico, but there is still no talk of taking any concrete action.
‘A good start’ – Hungary’s EU affairs minister on the first nine days of EU presidency
Although EU commissioners and ministers are skipping Budapest programs, the Hungarian EU Affairs Minister talked about a good start and said that shortening the presidency was not on the agenda.
The only way not to find Russian propaganda in Hungarian pro-government press is not to look for it
News and articles in line with the Russian position on the war in Ukraine are published daily in the Hungarian pro-government press, but the Sovereignty Protection Office somehow missed them when...
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