These are the 21 who will be representing Hungary in the European Parliament
Of the 21 seats available to Hungary, Fidesz won 11, Tisza Party 7, while DK got 2, and Mi Hazánk one seat in the European Parliament.
The beginning of a brand new phase in Hungarian political life
Fidesz is still strong, but it produced its weakest EP and municipal election result since 2004, while the brand new Tisza Party officially became the strongest opposition party in Hungary after EP...
Péter Magyar can make people get out of their armchairs, his MEP candidate says
His health education TikTok channel has hundreds of thousands of followers, but András Kulja is now likely to make it into the EP as a candidate of Péter Magyar's Tisza Party. In our interview, we...
Arte: Behind the scenes of the EU parliament
Arte pulls back the curtain on the Spitzenkandidaten, the far right's growing influence and the challenges facing the new legislature.
Alexandra Szentkirályi withdraws from race for mayor of Budapest, endorses Dávid Vitézy
At the beginning of the campaign, she did not consider withdrawal realistic and even on Thursday, she was mobilising voters by phone. A survey published on Friday morning showed that if Szentkirályi...
Orbán: We must stay out of NATO's Ukrainian mission
The Hungarian PM also spoke about why he finds it outrageous that Russian broadcasts are not allowed in EU member states and said that Trump's victory in the upcoming US elections could pave the way...
Orbán: I'm already hurting
Since Fidesz's campaign has been all about war and peace, we asked the PM why they would like to send Hungarian soldiers to Chad. We caught up with him at the inauguration of a new bridge in Kalocsa.
Arte: Europe’s Far Right – rapidly rising but divided
In this week's edition, ARTE Europe Weekly, takes a look at the rise of right-wing parties across Europe and asks if a far-right takeover is on the horizon.
Hungarian Foreign Minister to attend Ukraine peace conference next weekend
Péter Szijjártó said he would participate because Hungary is on the side of peace and will take part in any initiative where peace is on the agenda. He only regrets that Russia won't be represented.
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