Arte: Could Europe deport asylum seekers to Rwanda?
Arte breaks down what the scheme could look like and asks whether the plan is undemocratic.
Hungarian politicians may have been among those who received funds from Moscow to spread...
According to the Czech intelligence service, the funds were distributed through a network which operated the Prague-based news site, Voice of Europe.
The head of the mafia state, Viktor Orbán shouldn't get away with it
Péter Magyar organized a protest attended by thousands in front of the Prosecutor General’s office. We asked some of the protesters about the recording he published, and Judit Varga’s accusations of...
EU Media Freedom Act passed, Hungarian government only one to vote against it
A member of the Hungarian EP delegation had previously called it "Brussels' censorship law" and "an attempt to interfere in the sovereignty of member states".
Former Justice Minister's ex-husband releases recording he claims proof of high-level involvement...
The recording suggests that one of Orbán’s closest confidantes had tampered with documents proving his involvement in one of the biggest corruption cases Hungary has seen in years.
Bolsonaro stayed at Hungarian embassy in Brasília for days after his passport was confiscated in...
The New York Times has obtained the embassy's surveillance footage, which also shows Ambassador Miklós Halmai welcoming the former Brazilian president.
Arte: Cyber-attacks are on the rise in Europe – and the EU needs to defend itself, fast
The upcoming Olympics in France and the June European elections are prime targets.
Zagreb mayor supports Budapest mayor's fight against planned mini-Dubai development
Opponents of the planned €5 billion development argue, among other things, that it would change the skyline of Budapest, but the government says that regenerating the area with the help of private...
Věra Jourová suffers from severe Hungarophobia and despises the Hungarian people – Szijjártó
Jourová had previously called it "unacceptable to have the security of 460 million EU citizens threatened because of three and a half million Fidesz voters".
Orbán: Brussels cares more about Ukraine than about European farmers
Hungary and Brussels are like different galaxies, and why pro-peace leadership is needed in Brussels were some of the topics discussed by the Hungarian PM in a Friday radio interview.
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