Hungary does not recognise Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territories
The Prime Minister's Chief of Staff also spoke about the independence of the Hungarian judiciary and his views on the European Parliament at the weekly government briefing.
Orbán announces "national consultation" on energy sanctions – but what is this exactly?
He claims that the only way to end the rising of energy prices is by acting together.
We asked Orbán when Hungarian teachers will be given a raise
We asked Viktor Orbán and his government members why members of the newly established “border hunter” unit are being paid more than Hungarian teachers – especially in light of the teachers’ constant...
The government to order temperature to be kept at 18 degrees in public institutions
At the government briefing, Gergely Gulyás also said that there are no more public procurement abuses in Hungary than elsewhere and that the Hungarian judiciary is the most independent one in Europe.
Far right party Mi Hazánk unveils bust of controversial Miklós Horthy in Parliament Office
The controversial politician who lead Hungary during the 2nd WW is largely held responsible for the deportation and death of 437 thousand Hungarian Jews in 1944.
Hungary's top weather experts fired after wrong forecast on national holiday
Following the sacking of the country's two top weather experts, 16 department heads from their institution issued a statement saying that the dismissal of the two heads of the meteorological service...
A summary: What government members said about gays, corruption and migration in Tusványos
We spoke with several key government figures at Tusványos, Transylvania over the last few days. This is a summary of what they had to say about fighting corruption in Hungary, gays, and migration.
Several towns cancel celebratory fireworks due to economic crisis, government still going ahead...
Several Hungarian towns have cancelled their August 20th fireworks due to the economic crisis faced by the country. The biggest of them all, the one in Budapest, is still set to happen – and the...
Orbán: This is a new era of European history
The Hungarian Prime Minister explained why he thinks Europe shot itself in its lungs, why they declared an economic state of danger in Hungary, and how he sees the protests of the past week.
Hungarian government announces state of danger due to energy crisis
How does the Hungarian government plan to handle the energy crisis affecting all of Europe? A summary on all you need to know on the latest announcement.
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