Zagreb mayor supports Budapest mayor's fight against planned mini-Dubai development
Opponents of the planned €5 billion development argue, among other things, that it would change the skyline of Budapest, but the government says that regenerating the area with the help of private...
Orbán pszichoterápiát javasol annak, aki Putyin kutyájának vagy trójai falovának tartja őt
Egy török diplomáciai fórumon megerősítette, hogy jövő héten találkozik Donald Trumppal, de arra a kérdésre, hogy Joe Bidennel találkozik-e, ezt válaszolta: „mindig rendelkezésre állok.”
Orbán on Navalny: Chauvinists don't deserve respect, otherwise, may he rest in peace
On the opening day of the Hungarian Parliament's spring session, the opposition demanded the government's apology to abused children, and called for a minute of silence in honour of Alexei Navalny....
"Viktor Orbán is the godfather of the paedophile-protecting mafia" – Hungarian opposition demands...
In the end, the speakers at the demonstration only brought up the direct presidential election briefly, and focused on the Prime Minister's responsibility in the recent clemency scandal instead.
Hungarian content creators organize a demonstration like no other
Tens of thousands gathered in Budapest to raise their voices in defense of abused children they say the state has abandoned – a ripple effect of the clemency scandal that’s been shaking Hungary for...
Szijjártó: Oroszország nem jelent fenyegetést egyetlen NATO-tagországra sem
Magyarország pedig ellenzi, hogy Milorad Dodik ellen szankciókat vezessen be az EU.
Hungary must strive for a good relationship with Ukraine – Gulyás
The need for improving relations between the two countries, ratifying Sweden's NATO accession, and Sarvamaa's EP petition were all discussed at the year's first government briefing.
Orbán kapta idén azt a magas állami kitüntetést a boszniai szerbektől, amit tavaly Putyinnak adtak
A magyar miniszterelnök nyomott hagyott a köztársaság életében, így ismerték el a munkáját.
Orbán on the war in Ukraine: this is a military operation, it will be a war when Russia declares it
The Hungarian Prime Minister also spoke about his plans for "opening the eyes of Brussels" and about why it's important for Europe to initiate peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, at the...
Orbán: Those protesting the Sovereignty Protection Act are mercenaries
The Hungarian PM spoke about why he walked out during the vote on Ukraine's EU accession, why he vetoed the revised EU budget, and more, in his interview on Hungarian public radio.
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