They were given two days to pack up the child's life
Since his infancy, a little boy named Milán had been lovingly raised in a foster home in Hajdú-Bihar county. But then, shortly before Christmas and his fourth birthday, everything changed when the...
One hyper-prolific researcher may have boosted Óbuda University's international ranking
A researcher of Persian origin, often publishing with foreign authors, has alone managed to collect almost half of the university's citations in five years. Citations are an important indicator in...
I'm just an average person during the week – and a dominatrix on the weekend
We spent two years filming the Hungarian BDSM community to get to know fetishists, sadists, and masochists. In this Telex documentary, we show you what Hungary's BDSM parties look like, how someone...
If you're afraid of change, you may as well just get pickled, jarred, and given your pension check
How can a person's professional career be fulfilled after retirement, and is it related to the fact that they turned down a promising offer at a good moment? Kati Süle chose Budapest over...
Once imitating tennis players as a child, Dóra Kiss now appears in the world's number-one horror...
The horror Smile! is among the most watched films in America and Hungary these days, and one of its main characters is played by a Hungarian actress. She spent her savings on speaking English...
The Invisible Migration
Many people, mostly women, go to work from Romania to Hungary and from Hungary even further west. They provide elderly care for wealthier families, usually working off the books. Their work is also...
Old-fashioned government media is being gobbled up by Facebook propaganda
The cornerstone of Fidesz propaganda has been the friendly media; the number of press outlets used to spread their own messages has been growing for a few governing cycles. Recently, however, as it...
Katalin Karikó's impressive ascension is just a glitch in the matrix
Hungarian scientist Katalin Karikó made news due to her contribution to the development of Pfizer's COVID vaccine. Although there are more women in higher education in Hungary than men, female...
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