Who was the first Hungarian to set foot in America?
It's very likely that Hungarians had visited America before the colonial period. What is questionable, however, is who the first Hungarian visitor was: was it a man who landed with the Vikings, or a...
Meet the 16 year old from Hungary whose idea is to be released by LEGO
A Hungarian high school student won LEGO's idea competition: the foosball table he came up with will be made into an official LEGO model. Meet 16-year-old Donát.
Hundreds returned to Romania – thousands decided to stay
Every year, more and more students cross the border from Hungarian settlements in Romania to continue their secondary education in Hungary. The brain drain is hard on the Hungarian high schools in...
What does goulash have to do with Hungarian gulyás?
If you don't understand Hungarian, you'll probably never know how to make a real stew, goulash or paprikash, and you'll end up with a floury, carroty, potato stew on your plate. How is Hungarian...
I left the last two apartments in tears
For the Hungarian Roma, looking for a place to rent can be a disheartening and stressful experience. Discrimination is rarely so open that an official complaint could be submitted about it.
Hungary's current family policy draws a dividing line between the "deserving" and the "undeserving"
Record low birth rates, rising marriage rates, hundreds of billions of forints dispersed as financial support for families, same-sex couples excluded from adoption – in the final part of Telex's...
"I was being treated as if it were reprehensible that my body was doing its job"
Unsolicited procedures, misdiagnoses, symptoms being labelled as hysteria and obstetric violence – in the fourth of a five-part series, Telex looks at the situation of Hungarian women and healthcare.
"The social capital most squandered these days is that of young Roma women"
What does feminism mean to Roma women? Do women living in deep poverty dare to dream? What are their chances of breaking out of extreme poverty? In part three of our five-part Telex series, we are...
Preschool teacher by day, nail tech by night – just to make ends meet
When comparing the situation of women and men in the labour market, the pay gap comes to mind first, but the problem is much more complex. How is it possible that Hungarian women are more educated...
It's not easy getting a medical report confirming the day-to-day oppression
Violence against women may be the most common human rights violation worldwide, yet it is the least reported crime. What is the current situation of abused women in Hungary and how do the...
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